Discord Bot Applications

About: Discord is a messaging platform with many quality-of-life features. Any developer can create a Discord Bot to add enhancements to the application, which can be fun things (like games) or more useful things (moderation abilities). Starting May 2020, I worked on a Discord Bot called Source Code. In the future, I worked on a larger bot called Psyduck. Both bots were for personal use only, and never became public verified Discord Bots.

Through this project I learned a lot about Python development and asynchronous programming. Additionally, I learned about cloud hosting environments like Heroku and Google Cloud VM to host the bot 24/7. I worked a lot with JSON and SQLite as well to store important data. This project help fuel my love for computer science and also taught me how to handle a large-scale project.

Uptime Bug Ping Status

See an obscured version of one of my bots (Psyduck) on Github